Saturday, April 11, 2009

Time flew...

The last few months have been crazy. Time flew by and there was little I could do about it. Exams happened, barely scraped through. Another term got over, another bout of reports, videos and presentations. It's all over now. Before I knew it, half the course was over. And here I am studying again for another set of term exams. Meanwhile, I did go about visiting a few places, bought myself a guitar (a cheap one, just to while the time away) and London had its worst snowfall in 18 years.
So, instead of inciting you to murder me of boredom induced by my scribbles, I'll let you take a glimpse of things as I captured in the past few months.

This post shall have pictures of Jersey Islands:

Sunset at St. Oeun's Bay

St. Helier's fort

My humble abode

Street at St. Helier


Keshi said...

Some great pics here Sam!

Love the Sunset pic alot.

So u shifted gear to the next Semester..thats how fast Uni life is! :) All the best Sam!


Sam said...

thanks keshi!!
I really love that sunset pic. Shot quite a series of pics of the sunset while at Jersey.